Vidya Spoorti

Karnataka Vidya Spoorti

      Every year, with the hope of social concern, by organizing an essay competition for the school and college students who are studying in Karnataka through the “Karnataka Vidya Spoorti” program the division of Inspire film Institute, by giving awards and rewards to the talented winners those participating in this program, The Karnataka Vidya Spoorti program strives to enhance the social commitment. Although our institute is actually a film training institute, one of the basic objectives of the institute is to provide financial assistance to the students who achieve excellence in writing on the ideological stream, fostering the dynamic thinking of the students in the form of our squirrel service to the society. In this way, Inspire Film Institute is eagerly waiting to come to you with prestigious social programs in upcoming days and will work harder for the squirrel service that can be done by our organization in the field of art, culture and education.

Karnataka Vidya Spoorti for 9th,10th & PUC-2022

Karnataka Vidya Spoorti for Graduates & Post Graduates-2022